The Executive committee may , at their discretion invite distinguished visitors or such persons as they think fit to become Honorary members of the club. Such members shall not be liable to pay any subscription nor entry fee and will be entitled to the amenities of the club. They shall not have any vote or share in the management of the club , except they may be invited by the Executive Committee to serve on a sub committee. Term of a Honorary member shall be 2 years .
A permanent member with more than 30 years membership and over 70 years of age may, subject to the acceptance of the executive committee be made a life member. Such life members shall be exempted from payment of annual and monthly subscription including compulsory green fees.
A company duly registered under the Indian companies act or a foreign company having its place or business in India , can be admitted as a corporate member on payment of Rs 10 Lakhs.
Duration of a corporate member shall be for a period of 10 years and such a member shall nominate any three of its officers / employees duly approved by the Committee to use the facilities of the club, subject to the payment of the charges as maybe applicable in respect of any other non-corporate member.
Such corporate member shall not be entitled to any voting rights and any meeting of the club.
Bonafide citizens of the Nilgiris who wish to learn and play the game of golf shall be given a Temporary golfing membership. This membership shall be for a duration of 12 months within which the member shall learn to play golf by taking atleast 20 coaching classes and attain a handicap . No extension will be extended under any circumstances. Such members may use the facilities of the club incidental to the game of golf on purchase of cash coupons and credit facilities shall not be extended to them. The fee for membership is Rs 3000 Per month . Coaching fees will be charged as applicable. Such applications shall be proposed and seconded just as a permanent member application ;Temporary memberships may be revoked at any time by the Golf Captain / Tournament committee.
Temporary golfing membership can also be given to golfers with valid handicap , who wish to participate in tournaments held at the club. The rates for the temporary golfing membership is as follows
The above-mentioned rates shall be exclusive of tournament fees. Temporary golfing members shall follow all rules applicable to them and can utilize the facilities of the club on tournament days for which their membership is applicable. Such usage will not add to the limits of usage stipulated for guests/affiliated members.
Permanent member of a club shall enjoy all facilities and rights of the club . Spouse and children (Under 21years of age) of permanent members shall enjoy all facilities of the club but not voting rights. Spouse members, subject to the approval of the executive committee, may continue to use the facilities even after the demise of the member by paying all dues and annual subscription. There will be no transfer of membership of any sort.
The Entrance fee for the permanent member will be Rs 7,00,000/- plus service tax. Members children eligible for membership will be charged 50 % of the permanent membership fee.
For any Queries, send an email to
Mondays to Saturdays :- 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM.
Breakfast – 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM ; 7 AM to 9:30 AM during tournaments.
Lunch – 1 PM to 3 PM ; During week ends 1 PM to 3:30 PM.
Dinner – 8 PM to 11PM ; During week ends 8 PM to 11:30 PM.
Weekdays – 10 AM to 2:30 PM ; 6 PM to 10 PM.
Week ends – 11AM to 3:30 PM ; 6 PM to 10 PM
Mondays to Fridays :- 11 AM to 3 PM ; 6.30 PM to 11 PM.
Weekends :- 11AM to 3:30 PM ; 6.30 PM to 11 PM.
Last orders must be placed 15 minutes to closing time.
9:30 AM to 10:00 PM.
All members , affiliate members, dependents and guests entering the club house premises shall be expected to dress in a manner befitting the surroundings and atmosphere of the club. At no time shall Banians , Collarless T shirts, Sleeveless t shirts , Track pants, Pyjamas, Torn jeans and Hawaii slippers be permitted.
Up to 7 PM: Gentlemen are required to wear shirts/T-shirts with collars and shoes / sandals.
After 7 PM : Gentlemen are required to wear long trousers with Shirts / T shirts with collars and shoes. Dress codes will apply to children above 15 years of age.
All Indian traditional attires are permitted , formal slippers, covered sandals are permitted
Members under various categories and their spouses are required to check the validity of their membership cards and must carry them at all times when visiting the club. Membership cards must not be misused .
Guests of permanent members and affiliate members must register their names at the reception. The member bringing his guest must accompany them at all times during the visit.
Guests of permanent members and affiliate members may visit the club not more than three times a month and a maximum of 12 occasions in a calendar year even if he/she is known to multiple members or is introduced by multiple members on various occasions. Such visits will exclude special entertainment evenings organized by the club and events requiring entrance fees for guests. Such occasions will not count against 12 permissible visits per year.
Affiliations will be permitted to those residing beyond 12 kms / Ootacamund Municipal limits of the club only.
No person, having at anytime been a permanent member of the club and removed as a member maybe introduced as a guest without prior approval of the Executive committee.
Guests will not be permitted to enter any competition conducted by the club.
Members of affiliate clubs must show their home club member cards and register at the reception.
An affiliate member cannot bring guests to the club unless the guest is staying with the affiliate member at the club accommodations.
Guests and affiliate members must settle dues all dining and bar bills by purchasing cash coupons. Cash transactions will not be accepted.
April and May – Rs 100 + Taxes.
Rest of the year – Rs 50.00 + Taxes.
Car parking for office bearers, members and guests.
Designated car parking slots have been provided for the President, Vice President ,the Hon Secretary and the Golf Captain of the Club. Guests / Affiliate members must park their vehicles in the guest car park only.
Drivers / private staff of members must confine themselves to the car park only. They shall not be permitted anywhere in the club house with the exception of the reception area, for the purpose of collecting parcels.
Every item of expenditure incurred shall be acknowledged by the full and legible signature of the member in the bill. Failure will be construed as an act of misconduct.
The annual subscription is due on 1st April of every year and bills for annual subscription along with charges under other heads will be sent to the members during the first fortnight of February. Any member may seek particulars of the bills from the club. If the annual subscription is not settled before 31st May, then the member in default will be liable to pay 10% of the bill amount as late fee. The Hon. Secretary will send a letter of demand by E-mail and by courier or registered post to the defaulting member, giving him an opportunity to settle the outstanding amount due including late fee and informing the member the risk of termination of membership, if the account is not settled within 15 days. Memberships of such defaulters will automatically terminate on expiry of the given deadline. Annual subscription may be changed from time to time.
All monthly bills should be settled by the members within 30 days. If any member defaults to settle the monthly bills for two consecutive months then the “4 Ootacamund Gymkhana Club – Rules .credit facilities would automatically stop. If the member concerned does not settle the outstanding monthly bills during the third month also, then the Secretary will send mail/and/or letter by courier or Registered Post and inform the member that if the outstanding bill amount is not paid with 10% of the bill amount as late fee within a reasonable time not exceeding 10 days, his membership would automatically terminate and such termination will be ratified by the Executive Committee in the next meeting. All defaulting members whose names have been posted shall not be permitted to use any facility of the club in any capacity. This will include the use of affiliate clubs, spouse membership etc.
The monthly bills are applicable only for members, and not affiliate club members.
Minimum billing of Rs 150 per month or Rs 1800 per annum will be charged to the members account.
The Executive Committee may use its discretion in appropriate cases where the defaulting member shows reasonable cause beyond his control for not settling the bills, and permit him to continue membership on payment of the outstanding amount due with late fee of 10% be exercised by the committee in any subsequent meeting after ratification of the termination of membership.
All outstanding bills due from any member may be recovered by the club through legal proceedings initiated through the Honorary Secretary. The Honorary Secretary is entitled to appoint an Arbitrator to consider the claim of the club and the decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the club as well as the member concerned. The arbitration proceedings will be held at Ootacamund and the language will be English.
Game charges are as follows
Per frame of Snooker – Rs 20 per head.
Per game of Billiards – Rs 20 per head.
In the event of members waiting, play will be restricted to 30 Minutes per game / frame of snooker. Children under 12 years shall not be permitted in the room.
Orders for food parcels must be placed 30 minutes in advance.
The club kitchen will be closed on Mondays from 10 AM to 4 PM for maintenance.
Members are requested to place their Lunch / Dinner orders in advance. Orders once placed will not be cancelled. Lunch and dinner will not be served in the rooms unless due to sickness. Only snacks will be served in rooms till 7.30 P.M.
Only liquor available at the club shall be consumed at the DT bar. Members and guests are not permitted to consume any other liquor inside the club house. Liquor shall not be served at the Cozy bar .
Children below 12 years are not permitted inside the main Bar.
Members who wish to take away liquor will have to personally sign the KOT & will not be given to their staff, drivers, etc with letters.
Members may book the following places to host private parties the respective
charges are as follows. The booking request shall be sent in writing / email to the manager at least 15 days in advance. Rates for various halls are as follows :
a) Lounge hall – Rs 2000 /-.
b) Cozy Bar and TT room – Rs 1000 /-.
c) Verandah – Rs 2000/-.
Members are requested to restrict their invitees to a maximum of 100 only. Invitees beyond 100 will require permission to be granted by the Hon Secretary.
Music must be restricted to a max of 65 decibels (2 speakers of 1000 W each) and must not be played after 11:30 PM. Music shall be played inside the lounge hall only.
Bar and dining services for private parties will not be extended beyond 11.30 PM and the halls must be vacated by 12:00 AM.
In the event of a members credit limit exceeding Rs 5000 /- in hosting a party, he should settle his dues either by paying in advance or within 48 hours after the party.
Appropriate cleaning charges will be levied on the final bill. The cleaning charges will be at the discretion of the club manager.
For any Queries, send an email to
Cottages and annexes must be booked by way of an email. Bookings will be confirmed one month (30 days) prior to arrival on first come first served basis.A Permanent member can book a maximum of two rooms at any time while an affiliate member can book only one room at any time.
Reservation of cottages and annexes during the months of April and May will be decided by the executive committee. Allotment will be by giving preference to golfers who have played maximum tournaments during the current year (January to December). An advance amount as decided by the Executive committee will be required to secure rooms during April and May.Reservation of cottages and annexes during monthly golf matches and golf week ends will be allotted by giving preference to golfers on first come first served basis.
Rooms can be booked for a maximum duration of seven days at one time except during the months of April and May. Rooms requiring to be booked for more than seven days at a time must require permission from the Secretary.
Extra beds and max permitted per room. Cottages 1 to 6 – 3 adults per cottage with one extra bed or 2 Adults with 2 children (below 12 years).
Annex 1 & 2 – 2 Adults per room with no extra bed.
Annex 3 to 6 – 3 adults per cottage with one extra bed or 2 Adults with 2 children ( below 12 years).
The check in time will be 1500 Hrs and the check out time will be 1500 Hrs.
All bills related to accommodation must be settled during the office hours between 9:30 AM and 5:30 PM. Members / guests must inform the club office in case of early / late check outs.
Cancellation 7 days prior to arrival: – No charge.
Cancellation less than 7 days to arrival: – 25% of the total room charges.
Cancellation less than 24 hours to arrival: – 50 % of the total room charges.
(Total room charges = Room rate per day x number of days booked.)
Consumption of outside food and beverage Food and beverage brought from outside shall not be consumed anywhere in the club house.
Room service will be available for all meals . Timings of service and all applicable charges may be amended from time to time . Such information will be posted in all rooms and notice boards.
For any Queries, send an email to
Golfers with a valid handicap from a recognized golf club shall be permitted to play Golf.
By exception any golfer who does not possess a valid handicap card maybe permitted to play at the discretion of the tournament committee.
Golfers may book tee off times with the Caddy Master. However members will have preference over guests. For private matches, a request is to be sent by e-mail to the office a minimum of 1 week in advance.
Participation in tournaments will be governed by specific playing conditions for each season. Members are requested to be familiar with conditions of play of tournaments.
Players are permitted to use outside caddies for play.
For any Queries, send an email to
Complaints and suggestions may be entered in the book provided or a letter shall be sent / emailed to the Manager / Secretary. Complaints and suggestions will be acknowledged to by the Manager / Secretary.
Complaints on disciplinary matters will be placed before the disciplinary committee.
Any misconduct, Indiscipline, actions bringing disrepute to the club etc shall be enquired upon by a committee formed and chaired by the Vice President. The recommendations / findings of that committee shall be placed before the Executive committee at its next meeting for any suitable action.
The executive committee may suspend a member from the membership of the club based on the recommendations/findings of the Disciplinary committee for a period not exceeding 12 months or may reprimand the member.
During the period of suspension the member shall not use the facilities of the club in any capacity. This will include use of affiliate clubs, spouse membership etc.
If a member who has been suspended once before is again found guilty , the Executive committee may place him under suspension and may, within three months from the date of suspension, convene an EGM under article 49 (10) to deal with the case.
A permanent member may be expelled at an AGM or EGM as per article 49 (13) .
Spouse of a permanent member ceases to be a member on any change in their marital status.
Staff of the club shall be treated well. They shall not be reprimanded nor punished by a member.
No member shall give any staff money or gratuity upon any pretext whatsoever. Tips of any nature may be dropped inside the gratuity box.
Damage to club property shall be paid by those responsible at a price fixed by the Secretary. No property of the club shall be lent without the permission of the secretary.
Rules formed by the Executive committee can be changed or more rules added from time to time. Members are requested to see the notice boards for current information, charges for various activities.!
For any Queries, send an email to
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